Saturday, April 26, 2014

Cool Landscaping Ideas 4 You

The Dangers Of Frost

The weather and climate is greatly influenced by where in the world we live but climate also changes in relation to altitude and the higher up we live the colder it is. For every 300m (1,000 ft) higher up we live the average temperature will fall by around 0.5 degrees C (or 1 degree F). If you live on a hillside, or even a hilltop, you will find that you are more susceptible to frost. People living in shaded valleys can also suffer more than those in is more sunny position and understanding when and where frost may appear is crucially important in relation to gardening, especially with some sensitive plants.

Frost is frozen water and it freezes the water found in plant cells which causes them to burst (as freezing water expands). Some plants are able to recover from such damage by simply sending up new shoots but, sadly, many others can be utterly destroyed by a single exposure to frost. Bedding plants, such as petunias and begonias are incredibly sensitive and not be planted out until the danger has passed.

Wind And Rain

Wind, as I know to my own great expense, can be extremely damaging to plants, especially if they are in full growth. The leaves and foliage catch the wind easily and are battered about endlessly until they are destroyed. I live in an extremely windy area and about three days after a heavy wind many of my trees and shrubs will have blackened leaves. Usually they recover but I still have to take measures to lessen the effects.

Rain can also be damaging. While water is vital to the health of plants too much can cause waterlogging and, in such circumstances, the roots of plants can end up rotting away. Too little water can be equally harmful to plants and those receiving too little water will quickly wilt and die. Happily the gardener can help greatly in both areas by improving drainage and watering the garden when it is required.


Frost, wind and water can all have a profound effect upon our garden and plants that grow in it but by understanding these things we can take measures to lessen the harmful effects. Throughout our site we offer all kinds of hints, tips and advice on how to lessen the effects of such damaging influences but nothing is more beneficial than gaining a full understanding of the microclimate in your garden.

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